We have the volunteer team who are willing to serve God by act of Service and finances. In the area of services, we have the side men & women (USHER DEPARTMENT), media department, evangelical department, prayer worrior department, sanctuary-keeper, chorister department, instrumental department and the santuary-steward. if your love to serve God in any of this department mentioned, please fill the form and click the button below.
Volunteer With Us Through the Following Department
Side-men & Ladies (usher)
The ushering department is also known a side-men and side-women, they are people who organise the church setting from the pulpit to the midst of congregation.
Kids Church.
This is a ministry where you have the previledge to teach children the word of God.
Music Team.
It's a department where you use your voice for God.
Instrumental department.
Do you know how to play any intrument? if yes, here an opportunity to serve God with it.
Prayer Team.
The engine-room of the church, it's a special ministry for those with the gift of intercessor.
Evangelical Department.
It's a ministry where you go out-side the church premises to win soul to christ
Media department.
This department is where the video editor, graphics designer, web developer e.t.c operate to make available every content of the precher, teacher, evangelical ministry e.t.c on digital platform, audio and video devices.
This department are for those who desire the house of their father should be kept clean. if you are interested to keep the house of the LORD clean, please you can join this department
This ministry are in-charge of receiving information from anyone trying to reach-out to the ministry.
Yes, I want to Volunteer!
Thank you for serving with us as we honor God and make disciples. Please fill-up and send the form below.