A local Church is the congregation of the Methodist Church, meeting together as one for public worship and organised into class/house fellowship under the supervision of one Church Council.
Our Vision.
To be spiritually vibrant and be one of the biggest church in Nigeria
Our Mission.
To consistently win more souls for christ, develop spiritually fulfilled members and remain very active in serving humanity
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
John 3:16-17 ESV
Our Doctrine
Christ’s Ministers in the Church are Stewards in the household of God and Shepherds of His flock. Some are called and ordained to this sole occupation and have a principal and directing part in these great duties but they hold no priesthood differing in kind from that which is common to all the Lord’s people and they have no exclusive title to the preaching of the gospel or the care of souls. These ministries are shared with them by others to whom also the Spirit divides His gifts severally as He wills.
The Doctrines of Evangelical Faith which Methodism has held from the beginning and still holds are based upon the Divine revelation recorded in the Scriptures. Methodist Church acknowledges this revelation as the Supreme rule of faith and practice. These Evangelical Doctrines to which the Preachers of Methodist Church both Ministers and Laity are pledged are contained in the Wesley’s Notes on the New Testament and the first four volumes of his sermons.
It is the universal conviction of Methodist Church that the office of the Christian Ministry depends upon the call of God who bestows the gifts of the spirit, the grace and the fruit which indicate those whom He has chosen.
Methodist Church recognizes TWO SACRAMENTS, namely BAPTISM and the LORD’S SUPPER as Divine Appointments and of perpetual obligation of which it is the privilege and duty of members of The Methodist Church to avail themselves.
What We Believe.
We BELIEVE in God the Father Almight, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ only son our Lord, who wa conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the virgin Mary. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, he descended into hell;* The third day he rose again from the dead, he ascended into heaven, and sittetth on the right hand of God the father Almight; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; The holy catholic church; The commission of saint; The forgiveness of sins; The resurrection of the body, the life everlasting, Amen.
Meet Our Team.

Rev. Jimmy Benjamin Head of local church (Awmmc)
in the service of God co-ordination is highly need for the purpose of the vision and mission of methodist church nigeria to be accomplish in all local churches. Whereby God has sent me through the methodist conference to head and co-ordinate Alex william memorial methodist church for his services in the body of christ.

Evang. Monday Akpan Evangelist
To assit the reverned in God's service, lead in evangelical work of God and sustaining convert in christ, help them grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and in the light of his word.

Bro. Luke Amaechi Circuit Steward
Resource and information is the fuel that sustain the work of the gospel of Christ through which God has appointed me a Steward to make available every resource needed to keep the work of God flowing

Sis. Esther Benjamin Women Leader
To lead the women in the services of God and bring them to the knowledge and the light of his word, to be practised in their homes, to their husbands and children and be influential in their environments.

Bro. Kehinde Williams Youth President
Organizing the youth for the effective work of God, building capacity and empowering the youth such as financial empowerment, spiritual empowerment, material empowerment to fuction effectively for body of Christ.

Mrs jinadu Kids Church Director
Children are the heritage of God. {prov 22:6} says "train up a child in the way he should go and when he old he will not depart from it". God has lay in my heart to be a minister to his babies to bring children to the light Jesus-Christ and teach them the ways of God.